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I knew better. After years and years of experience I really did know better.

February 20, 2010

No Photo HereI knew better. After years and years of experience I really did know better. But my impatience got the better of me yesterday. My office was hosting a Board of Realtors get together at our office yesterday evening. In my travels yesterday I happened to glance in the rear view mirror and almost had a stroke when I saw myself. I looked like “who did it and ran”. The hair was driving me crazy…

OK, you know where this is going I am sure.

I have a wonderful woman who cuts my hair in Washington Depot, CT. Lisa Mahon of B Hive Salon. She does a fantastic job, she is a magician with scissors! My schedule changes at the drop of a hat, so scheduling anything like that for me is always challenging.

I made that fatal mistake yesterday, I ran into one of those inexpensive cut it now type of places. As soon as the scissors started flying I knew I made a mistake. Just a few brief highlights of my new doo: the left side is longer than the right by about 1 inch, my bangs are still hanging in my eyes and I STILL LOOK LIKE WHO DID IT AND RAN!

I knew better, really I did. Now I have to call my hairdresser and fess up to my indiscression yesterday. I know she can fix it, really she can. But for now I feel like the rear end of a horse, and I might look like one too.

I hope in a few weeks to be doing a wonderful post about B Hive Salon in Washington Depot, CT and how Lisa saved me! In the meantime I am looking for my angora baseball cap…. There must be a moral here somewhere!

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